4th Darga of Krav Maga
Holder of 5 state diplomas
Began practicing Martial Arts, from the age of 7, holding 7 State Diplomas, Christophe joined Richard Doulieb’s Krav Maga Club in Paris in 2002. Today he is 4th Darga Black Belt of Krav Maga and is the
Technical referent Occitanie (Toulouse region for the FEKM). Hi is highly involved in the development of his sport and associated sports both on a regional and national level. Today, he is recognized as one of the few Krav Maga specialists in France.
• DEJEPS Karate and associated disciplines sports development option
• Karate State Certificate and associated disciplines Krav Maga Option
• Federal Diploma Teacher FEKM RD issued by Richard Douïeb
• HACUMESE state patent. (Weightlifting physical trainer since 1993)
• BPJEPS. (AGFF Sports Strength)
• BMF3 Muay Tai, Full contact, Kickboxing, K1
• BPJEPS pugilistic sports, mention contact sports Muay Taï, Full contact, Kickboxing, K1 Rules, Pancrace.
Judge Referee at FFKMDA for MuayThai and Pancrace
FEKM National Judge for Black Belt Passage
Referent federal formations in Midi-Pyrénées
BPJEPS Jury “Sports pugilistic, mention contact sports”

Holding a brown belt in Krav Maga, a national degree to coach pancrace, Theotiste, is the feminine touch of our club, however don’t be fooled be her gentle looks !

Black belt in Krav Maga, trainer also specializing in Kick boxing, Muay Thai and Pancrace, Nicolas is truly animated by a real passion for our sport

As a passionate practitioner Sylvain, also holds a black belt in the disciple, animated by the wish to share his passion, he obtained a coaching degree and joined the team.
Photos: C.Paupard